1.  Start of the Briefing
2.  Black Shelving
3.  Pitfalls of Launching
4.  Announcement of a $100,000 Award
5.  Massive & Quick Release to the Public
6.  Industry then has to be Capitalized
7.  The Tragedy of Stan Meyer
8.  The CSETI Networking App
9.  Q&A: The Strategy for Free Energy
10.  Q&A: The Atacama Humanoid
11.  Q&A: NSO National Security Order
12.  Q&A: Government Manipulation
13.  Q&A: Disappearance of Corporations
14.  Q&A: The 2001 Disclosure Briefings
15.  Q&A: The ET Presence
16.  Q&A: The Ascended Masters
17.  Q&A: Time and Space Lab