Downloadable pdf Documents
The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati
by Anon
(6 pages, 485 KB)
Rules for radicals
by Saul Alinsky
(209 pages, 795 KB)
Christian Zionism as a Parasitic Ideology
by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
(10 pages, 260 KB)
Communist Manifesto
by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
(50 pages, 405 KB)
The Ten Planks of the Comunist Manifesto
by Karl Heinrich Marx
(6 pages, 475 KB)
Zionism, Crypto-Judaism, and the Biblical Hoax
by Laurent Guyénot
(20 pages, 736 KB)
ZIONISM: Modern Day World Domination
(8 pages, 142 KB)
The Synagogue Of Satan
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
(304 pages, 774 KB)
Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax
by Zander C. Fuerza
(206 pages, 5.3 MB)

The Synagogue Of Satan
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
by Victor E. Marsden (Translator), Henry Ford (Preface), & 1 more
The Jewish State
by Theodor Herzl