Human Trafficking — We Are All Victims
by Jim McKinley, May 9, 2018, Updated July 4, 2018
According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, there are an estimated 40.3 million victims of human trafficking worldwide. Some victims are hidden in brothels and factories. Others are in plain view but due to the lack of awareness on the part of the general population they go undetected.
US Law defines three categories of human trafficking victims:
- Children under the age of 18 induced into commercial sex
- Adults (age 18 or over) induced into commercial sex through force, fraud, or coercion
- Children and adults induced to perform labor or services through force, fraud, or coercion
We are gong to focus on victims in the third category and see if maybe there are more victims than most people realize.
Let's restate the category with emphasis on certain words:
Children and adults induced to perform labor or services through force, fraud, or coercion.
i.e. Children and adults induced to labor through fraud.
The Fight Slavery Now web site has a good graphic that shows the ways people can be trafficked based uon the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000:
Using the graph we see that human trafficking can be defined as "Obtaining a person by means of Fraud for the purpose of Debt Bondage."
One important feature of the TVPA’s conceptualization of trafficking is that physical transport from one locale to another is not a requirement. Another is that the law addresses the subtle means of coercion used by traffickers to control victims, including: psychological coercion, trickery, and the seizure of documents, activities which were difficult to prosecute under preexisting involuntary servitude statutes and case law.
Here is a recent posting by Judge Anna Von Reitz:
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[I]t is possible to "traffic" people on paper as well as in
physical fact, and that is exactly what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did.
FDR trafficked millions of Americans -- kidnapped them, literally, as babies in their cradles, into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea controlled by the equally foreign British Territorial United States. He press-ganged them and enslaved them for life, via the presumption of [Territorial] United States Citizenship and transported them on paper into the jurisdiction of a foreign country.
FDR is, arguably, the greatest criminal of all time, having ultimately done this to more people worldwide than Mao, Stalin, and Hitler combined ever dreamed about. He and his older Cousin, Theodore Roosevelt, worked the whole scheme together, with "Teddy" laying false claims against our land and FDR laying false claims against our money, our labor, and our souls.
Every time that one of these quasi-military tribunal "courts" attacks YOU they are doing so on the basis of having trafficked your Trade Name into their jurisdiction on false pretenses. They are engaged --- literally --- in human trafficking, inland piracy, and enslavement.
It's time to start charging these courts and their officers, the attorneys, with the crimes they are guilty of and using their own system against them.
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Recently the New Hampshire Legislature refused to pass a bill (HB1778) that would have restored the Right to Travel the public ways by people not involved in commercial activity. Under the Right to Travel, personal vehicles would not have to be registered nor the traveler need a license. This has been upheld by dozens of court cases all the way to the supreme court.
But the legislature failed to uphold the Right to Travel because of the loss of funds to the state from licensing and registration. In other words, money flowing into the state coffers takes precedence over peoples' rights and the rule of law.
HB1778 caught the attention of the General Postmaster Council who published a review of it. Here are some excerpts from that review:
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HB1778 identifies multiple torts against the "sovereign people". However the GPMC
finds that because of the U.S. overlay survey there are no "sovereign people" within the
State of New Hampshire. The GPMC does not find where the term "sovereign people" is
ever established as a status of the people due to the trafficking in persons crimes
committed by trustees of the internal revenue trust within the territories of the United
5. The state of New Hampshire does not offer an oath or affirmation to the State thereby denying the people the right of choice and a Nationality in violation of Article 15 of the UDHR. Leaving the people to be trafficked into the creature of state called New Hampshire and state of New Hampshire and then trafficked into the many PMA's is a
gross violation against the UDHR Articles 20 paragraph one and two and is classified as
crimes against humanity due to the massive number of persons trafficked
11. NH /HB1778 /2018 was introduced and voted upon and the majority vote found the bill inexpedient to legislate 287-44. The majority opinion concluded that the reduction in revenue was too great. The GPMC finds that this conclusion is further evidence to the current condition of the trafficked person called a U.S. Citizen being trafficked into the "more perfect union of franchise creatures of state" for the purpose of slavery through the theft of all commercial energy of the people in an effort to violate their religious rights by a Military theology perpetrated by Pope Francis of Vatican City.
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| [Emphasis added — Ed.]
Source: 20180326-GPMC-Judicial_Review_NH_HB_1778.pdf |
The GPMC review cites violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but does not cite the most relevant which is Article 4:
Article 4. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Anyone who is using the public ways for purely personal purposes – going to and from work, going to get groceries, going to church etc. – and has a driver license or a registered personal automobile, should ask themselves if they have ever been advised of the Right to Travel. If not, then have they been induced into human trafficking?
And how many other rights have we given away by unknowingly "agreeing to" privileges offered by the government?
Think about it.
Sources and References
- Federal Anti-Trafficking Laws
- 3 Elements Necessary to Meet Trafficking Definition
- Human Trafficking Defined
- 22 U.S. Code § 7102 - Definitions
- Thasja Update -- And Other Kinds of Human Trafficking
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